

In this tiny world

T K Buckley
Write Under the Moon


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Everywhere in the world,

a baby cries too loudly in a public place,

a glass of ice cold cola appears from nowhere,

a woman’s coral toenail polish chips off,

a middle aged salaryman offers his seat on a bus,

a sunbeam sneaks by branches, drawing rightful attention to something, someone,

a cracked mug is favourited, holding pride of place on a worn shelf,

a butterfly emerges, flies, and finally dies.

Everywhere in the world

someone sleeps soundly wrapped around their secret lover,

water trickles carelessly down the mountain,

a mother worries needlessly about the souls of her unborn children.



T K Buckley
Write Under the Moon

Short Stories | Poetry | Fiction and Non Fiction | Dual US-UK citizen living in Southern Thailand