For Love I Must

A love-hate poem

Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon
Jun 12, 2021


Photo by Marc Schaefer’s on Unsplash

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

Your love for me was nothing but lust

A riddle, a joke, a lost symphony in time

For love I must, for love I must

The sonnets you promised to write for me

Became the songs you now sing to her

The beat that we once danced to

Lost in rhythm in times gone by

Opening the floodgates to put Niagara falls to shame

For love I must, for love I must

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

You never loved me and that I must trust

For love I must, for love I must

© Dazzling Shene 2021. All rights Reserved

Thank You for reading my poetry :)



Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry