Going the Distance

Inspired Poetry

Connie Song
Write Under the Moon
2 min read1 day ago


pixelated blurred face, blurring the truth
Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

What is the distance between the moon and the stars
attraction and repulsion
dragons and dungeons
obsession and compulsion
day and night
winning and losing?

What is the fine line between insanity and madness
innocence and conviction
fidelity and loyalty
love and distraction?

I’ve stumbled in the dark before,
hung dirty laundry out to dry
ingested words and swallowed pride,
and have witnessed those who have crossed the line,
blurred the creases of right
and wrong.
Tell me, is that what it takes to go the distance
without compunction or remorse?

Grace notes: This piece was inspired by questions raised in my mind of blurred lines of tactics and ethics as I watched scintillating episodes of law programs like Suits on Netflix.

A good part hyperbole, part fiction and morsels of Shakespeare make for suspenseful viewing. As well as the fine art of deal making and settling cases. I wonder if there exists a fine line and shades of grey as we negotiate every little thing in our own personal lives, like who gets to hold the TV remote? Who gets to walk the dog? Is every chore quid pro quo?

I will say that I negotiated a major win when we first moved in together, instead of a couch and loveseat, we purchased two huge couches. But that square footage meant bumping his favorite recliner. He wasn’t thrilled. But, if life has taught me one thing, it’s that I’m a big advocate of those oversized modular couches as well. Later on, we found a bigger place and he cashed in his bargaining chips for his precious recliner, the golden retriever and Sunday football, along with the two couches and a couple of snack tables and a side cooler, now all non-negotiable. He’s thinking he won that round.

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Connie Song
Write Under the Moon

Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Editor of Purple Ink | Coffee Fanatic | Twitter Connie Song 10.