He MAID It His Way

A poem

Norman Marcotte
Write Under the Moon
2 min readMar 20, 2024


Person with camping gear at an opening in the forest
Camping in the forest. Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

My father was a sign of health
Phys. Ed. teacher, decathlete, hockey player
He taught me how to swim, bike, and skate.

He instilled in me the value of a healthy body
He professed he would beat us in sports until he was 60
He succeeded, kicking my butt in cross-country skiing.

The signs of aging came slowly
His hands trembled ever so slightly
As he ate his bagel with honey.

His ankles swelled and lost strength
He stumbled, crashing into a brick wall once
He started walking on three legs with his cane.

The stairs leading to his basement were too dangerous
A heart condition and a bypass convinced him
Time to move to an independent living residence.

He continued walking to work till his 80's
He loved his position as a university professor
A new life project kept him occupied.

A stroke then a pacemaker
His vision started deteriorating
His enthusiasm sustained him.



Norman Marcotte
Write Under the Moon

Writer, runner, mentor, dreamer. Author of "Take 10 and Reach the Boston Marathon" and the children's book "Frankenstein's Science Project".