I Am


Connie Song
Write Under the Moon


Photo by Johnny Kaufman on Unsplash

I am the river’s raging waters
looking for the poetry of lavender
and the cerulean sky.

I am the taste of equinox that ripens
the burgeoning sprout.

I am words buried in obituaries of
uncertainty and doubt
looking for answers
and a gentle taste of love.

I am the rolling thunder on this humid day
in late May.

I am a devil in a blue dress,
a seductive cliche.

I am despondency and dejection
loathing insolence and intolerance
in a septic, morbid world.

I am a hoarder of wounded
romantic stars and an eternal moon.

I am the words that crease your soul
bend your mind
sending shivers up and down your spine
on a traveled, speckled road
just trying to find its way back home.

Grace notes: Tell me, in your wildest imagination, if you could shed your human existence, what might you become? A red dress, a golf cart, a piranha, a haiku, the loudest scream? What an interesting story that would make.

© Connie Song 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
Write Under the Moon

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