Letting Go Is Part Of Nature


Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon
2 min readDec 4, 2022


Photo by Shaojie on Unsplash

We are separating the “we” we used to be
By just letting it be an untangled “you” and “me”
Because we both know that
Letting go is part of nature
And in nature we are free

That is why no misery was ever felt by a changing tree
And no misery was ever felt by a falling leaf

And as the healing process began
I literally started cutting through a rope
Again and again, and I did this with the hope
Of making it easier to let go
So I imagined while cutting through the rope
That I’m cutting the deep connection we had
Before we decided to move on, on our own
And as I was cutting through the rope
I felt much pain, I couldn’t cope
But I kept cutting through the rope
Until I’ve lost my self-control
But I kept cutting through the rope
Letting tears roll, even a smile show
And I kept cutting through the rope
Because I was ready to let go

Remember that no misery was ever felt by a changing tree
And no misery was ever felt by a falling leaf

And now I feel free, feeling no misery
Because I took advice from nature
A falling leaf, a changing tree
And now I am ready for the new cycle
New moon, new me
So I whisper my intention in the universal ear
Saying: Oh, just a little bit of healing will do
Thinking of the crack in my heart
The one that needs to be glued
But the universe knows that
Glue is not a good tool
To fix a heart broken in two
And instead, it tells me to
Let the light shine through
So, that’s exactly what I do
I let the light shine through
And when I think of you
I send you love and all the best
And hope you healed completely, too

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Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.