Lime, Chocolate, and Tears

Flavors of a Fractured Past

Misbah Sheikhh
Write Under the Moon
2 min readMay 7, 2024


Black and white abstract art of a beautiful woman with long hair flowing in the wind, with dark liquid splashes and paint strokes on a white background.
Image created by author using MidJourney

salted caramel tears, trickle down (like molasses, slow, persistent)
she watches (but doesn’t see) the swirls of coffee in her cup
the bitter jolt, so much like joy that it hurts to swallow
each sip, a memory steeped in blackest night



Misbah Sheikhh
Write Under the Moon

Boost Nominator | Editor | Writer | They call me queen of poetry - I write to inspire and connect with you.