Alexander Semenyuk
Write Under the Moon
1 min readMay 5, 2023


photo of author by his favorite lighthouse

Looking at the sky poem

Enchanting clouds are rolling

Blue cloth of heaven

Is their place

They know not much

Of life and glory

Pain and deceit

Or joy and feeling sorry

They are just there

Existing, being

It is the now

In a moment they are gone

Just like the ocean sand

Picked up and placed

Into another space

And as for us?

With dreams

And faith

And sorrow

How complicated

To be seeking

Being in the moment

Just to look out

Into these clouds

Hear the birds

And smile

With a mind relieved.

I wrote this poem right after having coffee on a balcony and watching the white clouds calmly and slowly move across the blue sky. It’s very important to take such moments in life.

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