Lunatic Nights

A Poem

Midnight Young
Write Under the Moon


A woman’s shadow dancing in the moonlight
AI-generated image (Magic Studios by Canva)

I’m tapping into new forms of creativity. After writing To Avalon I realised how much inspiration and flow music could bring. The following piece was written listening to the following piece by Franz Gordon.

I believe listening to the song whilst reading the poem will give more sense of the rhyme (or rhythm). It was a full writing experience… I suppose, sharing the music seems only right — for the full reading experience, after all…

Dance in the moonlight
And caress my soul -
Rivers will flow.

Time has no essence —
We should let it go
Caressing our souls.

Moonlights will shine
Eyes will stare to the Void
Minutes will pass —
Sleep won't come…

Moonlights will shine
Stars will look from above
Sleep, would you now...come?..

Lunatics staring to skies every night -
Our sleep won't come.
Moonlights be shinning
And stars could be bright —
Can’t sleep, we know…

Staring at the moonlight —
What a long night this will be,
Memories passing —
It’s sometimes hard to breathe.

Gazing into the moonlight —
What a long life this will be
Wondering when the gods will give blessings
For us to finally sleep.

It’s an odd thing — music. I sometimes listen to it and words echo in my mind. Maybe the notes are singing to me, or perhaps I want to sing to them?..

When taking part in the Gate challenge, I struggled to come up with an idea and listened to music instead… It somehow flowed. I enjoyed the process. I welcomed this unusual form of creativity inside and… Went along as the music lulled me in: Franz Gordon — Mouvement II, Noir et Blanc.

This just came out. I suppose I read too many Lunatic stories by Dave Loganit monopolised my mind.

I guess we’re jumping onto the lunacy train. Let’s see where this will take us. Perhaps this is to be expected — after all, we’re all writing Under the Moon.



Midnight Young
Write Under the Moon

Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.