Metaphysical Time

Tanka poem inspired by “there’s no past, present, or future in Torah”

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon


Metaphysical time
File ID: 42307667 By agsandrew licensed from

step outside of time
savor unmeasured moments
what mindful wonder
ware of each experience
enlights body mind and soul

This evening, this Instagram reel of a brief section of a rabbi’s sermon, or derasha, found me.

In the comments, the rabbi wrote, “Metaphysical Time and Shabbat: how time moves differently in Shabbat, and how the Hebrew word זמן zman portrays a spiritual way to understand the concept of time.”

In the reel, among other lines that grabbed me, the rabbi says about a rabbinical concept of which I had not been aware, Ayn Mukdam Ayn M’uchdar Batorah:

“It’s a reminder to stop measuring time in minutes, hours, seconds, and days, and start measuring time in how deeply you can possibly live it.”

I hope you’ll watch the reel as you might get more out of it beyond what I conveyed in my poem, which also goes beyond the reel.

Success from the soul’s perspective may differ greatly from the human’s point of view.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Written by Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.