Poetry | Snacking

Night Chips


Tom Ward
Write Under the Moon


“There’s Still Porn in the Woods” Photo by Tom Ward

for the sake of this poem
let’s say you did get the chips
or the crisps as they say over there
let’s say for the sake of this poem
you got up from the couch and
put on shorts and shoes
walked to the Chevron

what’s better for the poem?
with or without the phone?

can you face the fifteen
minutes of no media
nothing coming in
except bug sounds
and streetlights
and cars driven by people
going to buy their chips

can you face the silent
summation of calories
and nickels and dimes
and existence time
and they’re just chips
as you debate how far
is too far to turn back

or is there music in earbuds
to fight the silence
to compete with tired
in the name of hungry
a montage of no fucks
to give for the rules of
this story

sleep is what you need
you know it

but chips

for poem’s sake
let’s say
chips wait



Tom Ward
Write Under the Moon

Tom Ward is a writer making things in Kirkwood, Atlanta, GA. He has written a few plays and screenplays that have been enjoyed, including International Falls.