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Past And Present Fighting For Justice

Book Review: The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins


I have never been good at remembering the names of songs or movies. Only when either a song or a movie is really special to me, I can easily recall it but I forget most titles.

My husband is different. He seems to remember everything. Not only the names of songs and movies, but also that of the artists and actors. Sometimes I think his head has to be three times bigger to store all the information.

I normally don’t tell him which story I am listening, but when I started listening to The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins, I was so intrigued by the story that I just had to tell him. I mentioned the title, and he said: “We’ve seen the movie and we both liked it.”

Seriously, I have been trying to recall some scenes from the movie, but I just can’t. Not even after I finished the book.

That just means I will have to watch the movie again, and I know already my husband will joke: “It’s a good thing you don’t remember the movies; that way every time you watch it, it’s like the first time!”

The author, Paula Hawkins



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Write Under the Moon

🦋 Writer of raw, open, honest fact & fiction - always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋