Patched Hearts

Racheal Joshua
Write Under the Moon
Oct 10, 2023

🎧 Rosyln by Bon Iver, St. Vincent

A male stands with his arms raised slightly against a scenic background.
Credit: Julia on Pinterest

Words are cocoons.

They nurture or break you.

The skin would thread itself together,

leaving scars of battles and wins.

Hearts would swallow them,

numb the pain,

but retain the emotion.

So he sat there for ages,

scrubbing off the ink of words,

that seemed to stick with him.

“Why?” he’d ask.

“Why does my skin burn like it’s been tattooed when there is clear skin?”

P.S. I got added as a writer for Write Under The Moon Publication. And yes, I am excited and grateful. Thank you, Claire Kelly, for creating a cosy space for writers. ❤



Racheal Joshua
Write Under the Moon

The Bluey of imagination with a severe case of wanderlust. Feminist (the Google defined one).