Poetry Challenge Under The Moon #5 Summer Solstice

#5 The mystical realms of the Summer Solstice

Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon
2 min readMay 30, 2024


A goddess with moons and magic surrounding her
The humble priestess of the solstice — Image by Author with NightCafeStudio

Hello friends and fellow Moonies.

It’s time for a new poetry challenge. I’ll supply the prompt and you create the magic with your words. ✨

Write a poem in any format you wish.

It’s a delicious creative poetry potluck. Let yourself go in whatever direction you feel drawn toward.

This time our prompt is:

“Explore the mystical realms of the Summer Solstice”

There’s a lot to explore. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, with the same amount of time spent in light and darkness in a yin/yang balance.

You can add your submission as a response here so I can keep track. You can also create a post if you want to publish your poem, but you don’t have to.

Be sure to tag me if you do. As always, I look forward to your amazing poetry! Have fun and let the magic flow.

Here’s a sneak peek at mine.

“A humble priestess marks
midsummer days,
invoking soft droplets of plum rain
with a new tea harvest moon.”



Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/