Poets Live and Breathe Poetry

Free Verse

A.H. Mehr
Write Under the Moon
2 min readSep 5, 2024


a lovely red and yellow rose with dewdrops on a greenish-black background
Photo by Andréas BRUN on Unsplash

Poets live and breathe poetry!

None wants to always be known
as someone who’s distressed —
in this one precious life!

Not the poet whose aim is to uncover masks of
all things beautiful/all things suppressed
and rationalize to readers, their magic!

Not those who write about everyday events
as something significant, for they believe
paltriness too has its infinite extent.

Not the poet who ardently enjoys the
language, but that strong passion
is yet to be understood.

Not those who want to put words in
the best order in complicated chaos
and create poesies out of them.

Not the ones who are known as eccentric,
and know that their peculiarities
are acceptable!

Not those who tell the truth as the
truth and lies as lies.
Not the ones who say more with
less verses in their poems.



A.H. Mehr
Write Under the Moon

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.