
What shape does your happiness take?

Elizabeth Hilsch
Write Under the Moon
2 min readDec 17, 2023


Photo by Reid Naaykens on Unsplash

Happiness is a puzzle
As simple as that
Poured from the box
Onto surfaces flat
Some have forty pieces
Others have five
Some are worn with thick creases
Some have sixteen or more sides
One piece is family
Or even three, four or nine
Another is friendships
Captured moments in time
Pieces could be things too
Lamps or coasters or shoes
They all form the picture
Of what happy is to you
The problem comes around
When you're a few pieces short
The pieces won't be found
Dear reader that's the truth
Nobody's puzzle comes complete
And we're each of us proof
You might think others have got their puzzles done
But look closer and see that
They too are missing some
Some fill the voids with paper
And draw what's missing themselves
Some take pieces from boxes
Left on other folk's shelves
Some try using money
To buy what they lack
Or douse it in glitter
In an attempt to distract
The secret though lies
In doing your best
Edges always first
And then fill in the rest
Happiness doesn't come from having your puzzle finished

Far from it

It comes from knowing where the gaps are
And it being more beautiful for it

This is a poem about no two people’s happiness looking the same. It’s about looking inward rather than trying to look perfect for others. Happy reading.



Elizabeth Hilsch
Write Under the Moon

Elizabeth Mavis Hilsch 💫 I want to write poems that help you put words to feelings that are hard to describe.