Satellites of Green

A reverse sci(na)ku tanka

Roxanne Barbour
Write Under the Moon


Photo by kit Lynn on Unsplash

Satellites of Green

satellites of green
blueberry plants
Saturn’s bulk
moonlets of hope

This is a reverse sci(na)ku tanka, of the form:

3 words
2 words
1 word
2 words
3 words

Written by Roxanne Barbour.

Peruse some of my most popular poem on Medium during November 2021:

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I will pick one random entrant each month (actually I will let my husband do the honours) and mail out one of my missives to the winner.
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Roxanne Barbour
Write Under the Moon

I have been reading science fiction since the age of eleven. I have written many scifi novels including and AN ALIEN COLLECTIVE, ALIEN INNKEEPER, SACRED TRUST.