Scattered Sunlight

A reflection on the narrow perspective of life

Aastha Bajaj
Write Under the Moon
Jan 30, 2024


Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

I live and die
for moments
of fleeting felicity.
A hug from my kid.
A pat from my mom.
A shared laughter
with a colleague.
My small cup
of life brimming
with bliss
one moment,
vacated in vain
instantly due to
lack of it.
So much ebb and flow,
high and low,
ecstasy and gloom.
Is that my doom?
When will I see
beyond the screen
that casts the play?
Ah, am so lost
in savoring the show
and rising
and falling with
every emotion.
I forget to look
at the source
of it all.
At the ever-radiant,
resplendent sun.
All I see is the
light and shadow
of the scattered
sunlight falling
through my
life’s canopy.



Aastha Bajaj
Write Under the Moon

A keen observer who believes in learning from everyone and everything around her. I love to read and write and share thoughts on topics relating to living big.