Star-4488 (Sol)

No landing on Terra

Ulf Wolf
Write Under the Moon
5 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

The teacher, Grayden Woald was his name, had recently arrived on planet Freyrus-558 from its near neighbor Freyrus-557 to teach its young about their galaxy. Old and quite dignified, he was considered an expert on this part of this star system, and his move to Freyrus-558 had come as a well-deserved if somewhat overdue promotion.

As a rule, he enjoyed teaching youngsters about the neighborhood, but today’s subject lay well beyond his comfort zone. It had to be covered, of course, it existed after all, it was a part of the galaxy, but the area was sensitive and not really suitable for young ears and minds.

He launched the next holograph, showing Star-4488, also known as Sol, along with its planets, hoping that not too many questions about it would be hurled his way.

The third planet out from Star-4488 was called Terra and that even in this educational holograph sported the ominous red dot that warned of danger or other unpleasant things.

Warned of what, precisely, and why, was the question he did not want to hear, much less answer. He hoped, somewhat beyond hope, that no one would notice. Just another planet circling another sun, going about its circling planetary business.



Ulf Wolf
Write Under the Moon

Raised by trolls in northern Sweden, now settled on the California coast a stone’s throw south of the Oregon border. Here I meditate and write.