
A poem about lying outside under the stars and dreaming of things to come

Nagoh Creative
Write Under the Moon
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Pleiades Cluster
Pleiades Cluster — Photography by Author — Nagoh Creative


as I lay back and stare at the sky
I dream of a heart that beats with mine
watching the stars come out at night
knowing the sun still shares its light.

catching a wish from a bright streak
hoping a kiss will fall on my cheek
then as I drift off to my sleep
the dream of true love makes my heart weak

holding the hand that never was there
feeling the breath of cold, fresh air
watching the morning creep its way in
knowing the night will be back when dim

I remember the very first time I took the picture above. It is a very prominent night sky object that is very easily seen. It is known as the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. It is a fascinating story that unfolds across the winter night sky. Orion, the hunter, with his bow at the ready, is chasing the bull Taurus, which is charging its way to terrorize the Seven Sisters. I highly recommend you explore that topic more.



Nagoh Creative
Write Under the Moon

Writer, Astronomer, Photographer, Poet, & Encourager. On a road of life recovery and sharing my journey as I reflect on the pictures I have taken over the years