
Stemming From * In Difference

A Spring Poem For All Reasons

Write Under the Moon
2 min readApr 5, 2024


Semi-abstract cartoon of two flowers, one yellow and orange, one pink and mauve, in front of loosely figurative blobs in shades of green. By Doodleslice 2024
Flowery Things by Doodleslice 2024

Be a flower *
Or pick a flower *
Or just look at a flower *

Picture a flower *

See it in your hair *
In your beard *
Tangled in your fuzzy places ***

Look at all these strangers
Look at them like flowers

Look at them again *
Look at them *



By Doodleslice 2024–04–05

Hello there you lovely seedlings, saplings, and majestic, old-growth forests. I’m not sure how y’all managed to squeeze down here into the junk drawer, but you know you’re always welcome.

An especially big thank you to the cedars, sweet jasmines, pines, and hyacinths and all your aromatic siblings. It was getting a little musty in here and you always bring me a breath of fresh perspective. That’s the topic of the day — perspective — and redirecting it through the lenses of empathy and imagination.



Write Under the Moon

Artist and Poet. Imperfectionist. I hope my poems and art bring you some joy. I believe you should be you - be an interesting Earthling. Be a beacon.