Streaming Divine Source Energy


Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon
1 min readAug 6, 2023


Foto von Sean Sinclair auf Unsplash

I am not just down to earth
I am firmly fixed in a strong belief
Because my root chakra
Healed itself by letting go of
The fears and insecurities
And shifted to eternal peace

Lift my heart to the sky, this is mind over matter
There’s an opening, I’ll find a way
I came here to be reminded of who I have been all along

I no more stream Netflix
Only Divine Source Energy
Because connecting to
Higher levels of consciousness
Feels like a better way to be
Plus the subscription here is free

Lift my heart to the sky, this is mind over matter
There’s an opening, I’ll find a way
I came here to be reminded of who I have been all along

I don’t just speak words but
Words of benevolence to me
Because they seem to have
Spiritually pleasing effects
On my molecular memory
And help me radiate serenity

💚 Thank you for reading! Follow me on Medium if you are happy to read more inspiring content. If you like this piece, show some love by clapping or commenting. Thank you! My poetry book, Glimmer of Hope, is available here. You can also connect with me via my website or Instagram.



Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.