Strike Out

A reflection of Writer’s Block

Snehal Saju
Write Under the Moon
2 min readOct 21, 2023


Scribbled poems now in the dustbin, Image by Author

Royal blue oozes out of my hands,

It ebbs and it flows,

On sheets of pure white.

I am painting ivory.

My fingers fail to recall

its impasto and dry strokes,

Tiny brooks run, distorted.

I am sculpting ugliness.

The ink pierces my skin

Crawling into depths beyond

My reach.

I have plagued my smile.

The sheets own its replaced

Pantone, it floods like the red

fear on my bed covers.

I am birthing monsters.

They bear the agony, I watch.

No delete, erase, or undo,

I strike the words out.

I am draining my verse off.

Author’s Note:

Writer’s block is allegedly the most easily defined trouble to exist. The dictionary further simplifies it into “The condition of being unable to think of what to write”. Not a very troublesome trouble, is it?

This poem is just another one of my many notes on writer’s block. The urge to create art and give it the breath of life is stronger when followed by an inability to do so. You are back to being the puppet you were before writing. I think I have written a lot about writer’s block and it is high time I talk about it. I shall soon. Soon.

Thank you for reading till the end.

