Stuck in the Bardo

Embracing unexpected liminal space

Ellen Catherine
Write Under the Moon


Blazing orange sunset taken from a distance with author sitting in a chair in the foreground.
Photo by Author: Enders Island, Mystic Connecticut, November 2021

I somehow wound up in the bardo
in a space that is quite undefined
knowing liminal healing
lemon-lime-able feeling
empty thoughts dripping out of my mind

It’s a spooky but easy existence
as I walk wearing dead person’s clothes
I have dove so far in
the old me is just skin
my new movements are measured and slow

My past is translucently here now
passing through I avoid all that pain
I step into my fear
bringing presence to bear
with each day I’m created again

I’m breathing once more in this non-space
through my feet I have figured out how
so in the bardo I’ll be
if you’re looking for me

but have mercy and please don’t come now

If you’d like to read more of my work, feel free to stop by:



Ellen Catherine
Write Under the Moon

Lifelong writer of essays, memoir pieces, and poetry who is working to release the ball of angst, worry, and guilt associated with said writing.