The art of a walk

Amelie Bauer
Write Under the Moon
1 min readDec 15, 2021
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Have you ever walked by someone else

and put yourself in their shoes?

Have you thought to yourself,

Wow I wonder what they are thinking about right now

I wonder where they are going

I wonder what challenges they may have faced

Have you ever walked by someone and thought about whether they see you or not?

Have you ever walked past yourself

in the windows of a shop

or building

and smiled

or frowned

and wondered where it is that you are going

how you got here

told yourself you were beautiful

Have you ever walked alone and thought

am I going the right way?

What if this path comes to an end?

How do I know which turn to take and when I should take it?

Have you ever worked so hard to be someone you can’t

Or have you felt the times changing before you

That you know four weeks from now

you will be different



more beautiful than you could have ever imagined

I hope so

Have you ever walked and sat with your walking thought hours after that walk?

Have you ever really walked and thought?



Amelie Bauer
Write Under the Moon

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.