The Chill

Return to reality


Chilly weather, snow-capped mountains
Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

Trees barely there
signaling a return,
to a somewhat
harsh reality.

Visibility (s)peaks
as warmth
fast escapes.

So much more
where previously

Scattered dry leaves
slowly gather form,
where once lush
fragranced the air.

wrapped up,
façade fleeced
swept under cover.

Each unto their own
at work as planned,
layers upon layers
to unravel.

Late rising sun
light fast fades
frozen gazes form.

Howling wind
gathers strength,
lost pursuits in a spin
whirling into the distance.

Fragility upped
shifty seasons,
all that’s left
the chill.


Returning in July to the start of Winter



Cecile Gerwel Proches
Write Under the Moon

Social scientist, 'geriatric millennial', inspired by nature, poetry