The Free Bird’s Song

A Poem

Orion J. Wolfe
Write Under the Moon


beautiful landscape of a tropical beach at night with a silhouette palm tree

The warm ocean air caresses my skin,
and a sky that sparkles with the timeless glow
of a thousand burning suns,
watches lovingly over waters and sands,
far older and wiser than I.

Ah, what a dream!
to sit so idly by and gaze,
as the moon beams above a horizon
set ablaze under its silvery flames.
Short grasses and palm trees sway
to the seductive waltz of a calm breeze,
and I am tucked safely between.

Quiet waters beat,
attempting to lull me to sleep,
ever more gently than a fist.
When I dream, I don’t think of him,
and the troubleless sky above
is an uncanny reflection of my mind.
Oh, what a life to be alive!

A wet poster of a missing puppy drifts by,
crickets begin their evening hymn,
damp sand sticks to my bear skin
and fishermen noisily cross the reef.
But what a lovely evening…
because it’s ok,
and ok
is quite lovely some days.

I look around my little canopy,
half-cloaked in the night’s embrace,
my mind wanders again;
I could’ve been crying again,
I could’ve been dying again,
I could have been trying again,
yet I am free…
free to live,
and this is how I please.

As the sea rises
and the lighthouse bell tolls,
I think of the storm I might have missed,
A bittersweet kiss;
a longing for the life that I lost.

Empty seashells whistle a tune
that brings me closer to the feeling I once had,
years ago, when I was unmarred:

A waterfall stretched above me
as water sputtered onto my lips.
I saw mother and father,
dancing in the watery mist…
truly happy.

Was this bliss,
what I so missed,
when I went searching for him?

I open my eyes once more to a new dawn,
No right turns or wrong turns exist,
Not here, not now,
where I exist.
I exist.
I exist.
A tear trickles down my face,
and it feels nice,
for I don’t have to brush it away.

For the first time, I let it stay.

