The Light Will Return

Free-verse Poem

JoEllen Claypool
Write Under the Moon


A face in the dark looking through a heart-shaped hole revealing light.
Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

The sun goes down, the darkness comes crawling over everything in its path like a wave swallowing the contents of the shore.

The quiet power of its approach leaves me no time to prepare. I close my eyes and repeat over and over, “The light is in the distance and will return.”

Why must I convince myself through every dark moment that the light will reappear? My soul knows.

What game is being played in the air around me, what battle is being fought? Are wagers being made on my sanity?

Even the moon hides in the inky sludge that steals my peace, and I wonder why.

Does he need the rest to plan his route for the coming nights, deciding whose lives he will interrupt?

Although he has not fully gained my trust back, I seem to crave a glimpse of him in the empty void.

The moments drag on. “The light is in the distance and will return,” my soul whispers trying to soothe the ache in my heavy heart, “Hold on.”

And just as I start to ponder the meaning of even existing, I catch a flicker. Is that hope?

The blackness clings to the air like talons gripping their prey, not wanting to give it up.

Another flicker and the darkness flees knowing it has no chance to survive, and my soul massages my heart into a steady rhythm once again.

“You can trust me,” my soul assures me. “The light will always return.”



JoEllen Claypool
Write Under the Moon

Lessons learned are lessons forwarded. JoEllen loves making the most of every opportunity when it comes to playing with words and writes in a variety of genres.