The magic of fireworks

A sight for sore eyes

Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon
2 min readAug 19, 2021


Photo by Sami Anas from Pexels

Darting rockets

spiraling iridescent, neon fireworks

up and above

lighting the pink-violet sky

resplendent glimmers absolving the blues

bursting splashes of luminescent rainbows

pedaling the wheels of wind

millions of flags raised above

celebrate our freedom

come on now and witness

how the green fields shelters a crescent moon

an enigmatic star hugs the crescent shinning moon

a flag stands tall, ever green

whipping the cream

basking in the greens

rejoicing its hard fought freedom

come on, join in the celebrations

a picture is painted

in the bare naked sky

up and above

coiling in and out

join the magnificient fireworks display

the sky, a blank canvas

petalling the rose gold magenta

and shedding the sapel green leaves

dazzled by a few thousand bulbed fireflies

asphalt thunders booming loud

glittering dahlia skies

whirling into spinning circles

spokes lightning buttercup pink-gold hues

patterns duplicating Queen Anne’s lace

cobalt blue skies kissed by scintillating diamond stars

sapphire skies transcends to emerald green

sapping colors from the night

look up the sky

O, so bright tonight

bejewelled by popping colors of happiness

bewildered I stand — mesmerized

surrounded by the color display

a child I’m , on a sugar rush

a candy crush, up and above

I stand transfixed, hypnotized

melted in the silence of the night

such a sight , is this magical night

a tantalizing burn for my sore eyes!

© Dazzling Shene 2021

Thanks Claire Kelly for kindly publishing my work :)



Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry