The Watchman’s Gone

But never forgotten

Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon


By Piedmontstyle at en.wikipedia, CC BY 3.0,

I woke in the early morning rain to find we lost a global icon today. Gordon Lightfoot was so much more than a Canadian national treasure. He was and always will be a minstrel for the ages. A musical icon, a friend and mentor to many of the industry’s greatest stars including Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristofferson. Gordon was also more than a man for rainy day people.

The Canadian Railway Trilogy and The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald were homages to those who gave their lives in the process of building a nation.

It’s never easy to say goodbye when sundown comes to someone so important in our daily lives. If you could read my mind, you know I’m thinking if there was anyone more deserving to ride that carefree highway, it’s you Gordon. You wrote and played with the excellence and humility that Mark’s a true legend.

Rest in peace knowing there’s no need to ask, did she mention my name?

She did…we will… for millenia to come. And how lucky are we to have the legacy you leave. You said it yourself, Gordon.

“That’s what you get for loving me.”

It’s been awhile but as always, thanks for taking the time. I missed you all, my friends.



Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon

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