The Woman in The Mirror


Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon
1 min readApr 3, 2023


Foto von Elisa Photography auf Unsplash

There is this woman
In the mirror
Who is great
At reflecting
The essence of myself
As if she knows me well

There is this woman
In the mirror
Who always agrees
With my emotions
And even if I try to hide’em
She uncovers my truth

There is this woman
In the mirror
Who always smiles back
When I am happy
Because she is happy
When I am

There is this woman
In the mirror
Who says that
It’s okay to cry
Because she knows:
With sadness, comfort is key

There is this woman
In the mirror
Who tells me
“I love you”
Every night
After brushing my teeth

There is this woman
In the mirror
That I love dearly, too
And she knows it
Because she really
Knows me well

💚 Thank you for reading! Follow me on Medium if you are happy to read more inspiring content. If you like this piece, show some love by clapping or commenting. Thank you! My poetry book, Glimmer of Hope, is available here. You can also connect with me via my website.



Janine Friedrich
Write Under the Moon

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.