Time To Love Again

I Want to Trust But It Takes Time

John Haslam
Write Under the Moon


You are my one desire.
You have lit my heart up in a blazing fire.

You are never far from my thoughts.
Without you in my life, I’d be lost.

I want to show you my affection in words and deeds,
You are all I want and what I need.

Then my mind reflects on where I’ve been.
And those are the times when doubt creeps in.

I have trouble feeling confident in what we have.
I worry if I were to get too attached.

In the past, I have been misled.
I blindly trusted what others had said.

I was used, perhaps for security or maybe just for fun.
It’s left me wary that once more my emotions will get spun.

I own my choices and try to learn from my mistakes.
I was naive is all I can say.

I fooled myself, thinking someone's affection was real,
and it hurt when the truth was revealed.

It’s been hard and I’ve had to make adjustments,
Now I tend to question my judgment.



John Haslam
Write Under the Moon

Top Writer in Poetry & Editor of Modern Leadership. I enjoy exchanging ideas and wisdom using the written word and real human connection