To Swim Again.

Learning to love after loss — A Poem.

A Chance Meading
Write Under the Moon
2 min readJul 22, 2024


Photo by Ulf Bodin on Unsplash

I’m not interested any longer in a fast & furious kind of infatuation.

A non-love as it were. One of lust, lies, obsession.

I am only interested in the steady kinds of learning to be.

The falling, slowly and simply.

Less of a fall really.

More like stepping into the waters of a high mountain lake.

Still. Calm. Deep. Resonant.

Leaving behind fears of, “What if this is a mistake?”

Learning to breathe again. To swim within your heart and theirs. A fixed point, yet fluid. The ongoingness of presence.

Where you eventually have to let go.

Step forward.

and be caught by the water.


let go.

and be caught.

In their hold.

This type of thing is not without risk… without chance.

But like stepping onstage, to begin a new dance.

For you know now what it is to experience loss.

To sign up for life with them, pain mixed within bliss.



A Chance Meading
Write Under the Moon

Hi there. Yes- I know how to spell… my name’s Amanda Mead. I’m just trying to be clever, and often failing. Here’s my honest, somewhat messy look at life. *