
Trending Anonymity

A free verse poem

Merr Gumm
Write Under the Moon
1 min readApr 11, 2024


A robot on a city street with a croud of people behind him.
AI-generated using Microsoft Designer in Bing

Change is inevitable.
Society is as restless as a spring thunderstorm.
Always brewing up a new tempest on the horizon.
Clamoring for the next monumental moment.
No one seems to be content with simplicity.
Decades of technology rocketing and exploding
so that now everyone knows everything
and finding the real truth is like bushwacking
through miles of marketing marsh.
The internet has become a catastrophic chaos.
Is this photo real?
Are they tracking our every movement?
Analyzing, categorizing, altering algorithms.
Our existence collected, controlled and calculated.

New generations choosing to break the norms
of working to live instead of living to work.
Shall we break the bonds of our technology tethers, too?
Escape to places without eyes that see our whereabouts.
Put our existence in Faraday cages so we can disappear.
Is that even possible?
To become unknown in a society
that can geocache me, if you can.
Escape like homeless nomads
that can still be found on GPS.
Looking for anonymity where it is easier
to steal an identity than to become unknown.
Wondering where and win we will find ourselves.
Unique. Individual. Free.



Merr Gumm
Write Under the Moon

I enjoy writing about beach and farm life, religion, human rights, and the unusual. Primarily fiction and poetry.