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Was This The Lead They Were Looking For?

Book review: Cavendish & Walker Volume 1 — Deadly Games, Fatal Justice, Death Track — by Sally Rigby

4 min readFeb 6, 2023


After Covid and with the war in Ukraine, the prices of food and clothes and just about everything have risen astronomically. Inflation rates in all countries are up, and all of us are looking for deals to lower our expenses.

Therefore, deals like ‘buy one, get one free’ or ‘five for ten’ are quite attractive. You know, that last one makes me think. Because of my grey hair, I use silver shampoo and conditioner. When I buy just one bottle of either, it’s over 7 euros. About once in two months there’s a deal: five for ten. So I can buy five bottles for ten euros. Is it silly thinking that they should just lower the regular price?

Anyhow, why am I going on about this? Well, because I saw a deal and went for it — Cavendish and Walker Volume 1… three stories for the price of one because they are bundled together.

The three stories are:
* Deadly Games
* Fatal Justice
* Death Track

The author, Sally Rigby

Sally Rigby considers New Zealand the most beautiful place in the world and has lived there since 2001. She was born in Northampton, in the United Kingdom, lived in Manchester and London, and even lived in Australia for five years.

After Sally left university, she worked for magazines and radio before she started a lecturing career.

She always had a fascination for the psychology of serial killers, and loved crime fiction books, as well as movies or TV programmes about crime. In my opinion, her love for this genre was a logical step toward writing crime novels.

This author is a writing machine! Just look at the publishing dates of her books.

First, the Cavendish & Walker series: Deadly Games (2019), Fatal Justice (2019), Death Track (2019), Lethal Secret (2019), Last Breath (2020), Final Verdict (2020), Ritual Demise (2020), Mortal Remains (2020), Silent Graves (2021), Kill Shot (2021), Dark Secrets (2021), and Broken Screams (2022).

Then the Detective Sebastian Clifford series: Web of Lies (2021), Speak No Evil (2021), Never Too Late (2022), and Hidden From Sight (2023).

Sally also writes psychological thrillers under the name Amanda Rigby and in collaboration with another author.

Deadly Games

Joining the police force at eighteen, Detective Chief Inspector Whitney Walker, a single mom, has worked hard to get to where she was. However, she has come to a point where one wrong move can make her lose everything she has reached.

When a body is found on the university grounds, Whitney meets Dr. Georgina Cavendish, the lecturer of the killed student. She offers her services to the police, and at first Whitney refuses, but because one wrong move puts her at risk of losing her position as detective, she accepts Georgina’s offer. The lecturer brings a wealth of experience with her, and helps Whitney with the investigation, which leads to an arrest.

Then another girl is murdered in the same way. The chief takes Walker off the case, but Cavendisch convinces her to keep investigating. A rare friendship develops between the two of them while they hunt for the killer.

Fatal Justice

When a string of mutilated bodies turns up, Whitney Walker has to come into action again, and she calls in the expertise of Georgina Cavendish to help her unravel the clues.

Their investigation shows that each of the victims has groomed young girls, and it leads them to believe a vigilante is on the loose. Both women understand the motive, but they have to uphold the law despite their personal feelings.

Death Track

The Carriage Killer strikes four times on a local rail network before moving on to the next. The murder of a young teenage boy — the first of four — falls in the jurisdiction of Whitney Walker, and she wants to find the killer before he completes the series of four murders and moves on to another district.

Only thing is, the killer has killed nearly twelve times in two years and has never left behind any clues.

Whitney yet again asks Georgina to help her, and this becomes one of their toughest cases yet.

Was This The Lead They Were Looking For?

When you listen to books of the same author one after the other, you notice little things in their writing. In all three books — Deadly Games, Fatal Justice, Death Track — the same question appeared in the narrative: Was this the lead they were looking for?

It actually made me smile when I heard it in the second book, and when the same sentence came up on the third, I knew it would be the title of my book review. If I remember correctly, this question was even asked twice in one book — I believe in Fatal Justice.

That said, I enjoyed these books. They were easy listens and kept me entertained throughout. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t have listened to three after each other. You see, when I paid for this volume, I had already listened to the first book — Deadly Games — as a standalone, and because I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to listen to the others too.

So, I guess, essentially, it was two for the price of one, not three!



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Write Under the Moon

🦋 Writer of raw, open, honest fact & fiction - always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋