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When Your Youth Comes Back To Haunt You

Book Review: The Secret by Gemma Rogers


We all did things in high school which, when we look back on it, we wonder how we ever had the guts for it.

Back in Windhoek, Namibia in 1981, we lived in the suburbs, and about half a kilometer from our house was the drive-in, of which we could see the back of the screen. As teenagers, we frequently roamed the streets, just walking and talking, and the word spread that there was a footpath through the bushes where you could sneak into the grounds of the drive-in.

You know what happens in a group, right? Peer pressure wasn’t really a thing back then (or I never experienced it as such) but we warmed each other to the idea of sneaking out at night to go to the midnight show.

I think I did it about ten times — sneaked past my parents’ bedroom, out the front door, and met friends down the street, and all of us walked to the drive-in. And, of course, I had to sneak back inside again. My parents never caught me and I only confessed those midnight adventures to my mom many years later.

Those actions abruptly stop when one night I slept over with my friend next door. She and I sneaked out of their house, not to go to the drive-in, but for…



🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Write Under the Moon

🦋 Writer of raw, open, honest fact & fiction - always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋