Where Does Time Go?

A poem

Cathlea Justine Capalac
Write Under the Moon
1 min readNov 27, 2023


Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

I counted the leaves

bending in the slightest breeze

I walk along the seashore

picking shells to store

I read every page in my book

safeguard inside my nook

I watch the dew

from the grass falling anew

in the morning with clouds so blue.

Where does time go?

in the morning, so slow

and the beautiful light

that bathes my hair in a golden halo

as I walk the path to the train,

with an earthly smell after the rain

timbers everywhere

that reminds me of the color of my little brown hare.

Where does time go?

in the night, so slow
as I write under the moon that glows
and counted the fireflies

golden and shining in my eyes

and the crickets are singing a melody

that purifies the soul like therapy

I ask myself, where does time go?

the answer? that I don’t know

maybe along with nature, which slowly flows.

A moment spent with nature is time never wasted. A time spent in nature is like a dew falling so slowly. A day spent in nature feels like eternity!

Thank you for reading and continue living a meaningful life.

