Response to the Essay Writing Challenge at Promptly Written

Why do I write?

An Essay

Joanne Olivieri
Write Under the Moon


Photo by mh cheraghi from Pexels

This essay is in response to Ravyne Hawke and the essay writing challenge at Promptly Written. This is not an entry as I am friends with Ravyne and an editor at Promptly Written. This is merely an essay about why I write.

Why do I write? Simply put, I have to. My senses permeate my mind when I see, hear and experience something that I need to express whether it be a poem or story.

I’ve always been able to release my feelings within a writing vessel, if you will, much more than speaking out loud. Why? I have no idea but I’m assuming it is a fear of rejection. Rejecton on paper is much more tolerable than rejection in person.

Photo by author Joanne Olivieri

A high school creative writing instructor said something that resonated with me for decades. He said “become the leaf.” What does that mean? If you are walking down the street and observe a leaf on the ground which sparks your creativity, become the leaf. Write from the perspective of the leaf than merely describing it.

I’m a very visual person so many things spark my curiosity and when I write by embodying the object, it releases the thoughts that have imbued my mind. It is very effective to become what you are writing about.

Thank you for reading.



Joanne Olivieri
Write Under the Moon

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -