Yellow Frenzy

Nature insights

Masha Zubareva
Write Under the Moon
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Masha Zubareva

It’s guayacán blossom season here. And they storm the horizon, city streets and hearts, even the hardened ones. Blazing in the middle of selva, in-between the greenness, they flare up with sunrays and bring everything alive. Joyful.

Guayacanes (handroanthus chrysanthus) insist it’s time… Time to stand out. To succumb to la folie. To feel. To live.

They scream their presence, short-lived yet impossible to miss. Modesty is for the evergreen–those that have eternity to be significant, to gift oxygen to the useless animals that form societies and build technologies. But can’t breathe without the help of other species.

A sunset stroll in the quaint mountain town… Lilac lullabies soothe the already calm ambiance of the gem. The blues take over the emeralds of the tropical peaks. Tickling the nostrils, the crisp air cautions to be prudent: things change quickly in these lovely lands. Birds tone down from the hysteria of light authority to the quiet acknowledgement of their own existence. They’ll go dead silent when the moon seizes the sun’s domain. Muted, the colours whisper their tinges with no urge to be seen, melting under the translucid blanket of the dusk descending into the somnolent valley. A gentle embrace.

Everything seems to quieten. My feet, relaxed, caress the ground. Their unforced bounce lifts me… drops me. Softly. I’m handed over to gravity to play with. Step after step, I float, almost weightless, savouring the day’s unwinding. Drifting between my thoughts that waft by with no intrusion.

About to sink into another layer of asphalt grey–uninspiring–I freeze for a second, blinded by the bright yellow tenderness under my feet. Guayacán flowers, scattered over the cracked, ashy lifelessness, awake the dreamy me into a dazzle of awe. The pile of sun-coloured splendour invading the nature’s retreat…

I look above. Filling the darkening sky with flames, a guayacán tree unfurls over my head. An oversized piñata. Its flashy fluffiness teaches me that any moment of the day, year or life… is the time to be… extraordinary.

Guayacán tree yellow flower on asphal
Photo by Masha Zubareva

© Masha Zubareva 2024

Thank you, Write Under the Moon, for this opportunity to share!

