Your lips are cotton candy

Amelie Bauer
Write Under the Moon
2 min readDec 20, 2021
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

It was dark

was it true

or was it embarrassing

temporary talk

just to last until we got up the flights of stairs


leaning on one another

did we mean it?

was it embarrassing afterwards

what did you think

now it was casual

but I felt a shift

did you?

you seem lost

maybe it was just temporary talk

and because it was dark

and we didn’t mean it

but I meant it

did you?

Hung up the lights for the


hoping for it to shine on your curved features

a sculpture in yourself

but perhaps that was your flaw

as you knew you were gorgeous

so perhaps it was embarrassing

but I regret nothing

and you told me you regret nothing

so was it just temporary talk

or did you mean it

because you seemed ecstatic

or were you just tolerating it

because of the temporary talk

and I was the one everyone wanted

but I wanted you

so that made you special

and I gave you that power

because my reality was twisted

then you played the game

the one where you disappear

and reemerge

and disappear

and hurt me through your actions with others

so I realized

I gave you that power

to our temporary talk

to your cotton candy lips

sweet to the taste

but bitter once swallowed

and I am in control

so what do I do now


I need to process my hours long ago

and grow from it

unlike you

who is hunting down more bodies to drown in

I am empowering myself

because casual temporary talk is not growth

it is a whirlwind of emotions

and I prefer emotional attachment

emotional maturity




too bad you cannot grow with me

I tried to help you

but that is now your journey

and I am starting mine


goodbye cotton candy lips

no more temporary talk for us



Amelie Bauer
Write Under the Moon

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.