Another Obstacle on the Writer’s Journey

How do I switch writing modes?

Rianne Grace
Write Well, Be Well


Photo by Travis Saylor on Pexels

My call-to-action came in the beginning of March. A favorite blogger and writing guru, Shaunta Grimes, said “Hey guys, you should write on Medium!”

And I answered the call.

I was hesitant at first. I had questions.

Was the effort I was investing worth it? Would Medium help me reach my goals as a writer, or would it be yet another bright idea that fell flat and was eventually abandoned? Would anybody really want to read what I had to say?

It turned out, the answer was yes.

The effort is worth it. Medium is helping me reach my goals. People do want to read what I write.

That’s a nice feeling, y’all.

I rode that wave through three months of increasing productivity.

I wrote more, I wrote better, and my reach grew as I was curated a few times and learned to network. I felt like I was getting the hang of this Medium thing. Yay!

The obstacles begin.

Obstacle number one was a deep depressive episode that drained me, cut off my creativity, and left me unable to write at all…



Rianne Grace
Write Well, Be Well

Writes passionately about writing, reading, and mental health. Cheers for new writers and marks up the newspaper with red pen.