
Finding Your Voice as a Writer

How to Stand Out Among the Crowd

Holly Lyn Walrath
Write Weird
Published in
8 min readJul 12, 2021


Image Courtesy Karolina Grabowksa

“I can’t change the preconceived notions a reader brings to a work, but I can do my best to be aware of, address, and subvert tropes and expectations that readers may have as best I can and hope I don’t screw it up too much.” — Kameron Hurley

You might have already written a few stories, or a hundred. You probably have some idea of what your goals as a writer are, and why they matter to you. You may be somewhat familiar with the fiction world, or you may have already published some stories. In the end, only you can make your writing goals a reality. Workshops, critique groups, and writing advice books can be useful tools. But Only you can write the story you want to write.

Love what you write, write what you love.

Luckily, readers want to read unique voices. The process of finding who you are as a writer is ongoing and may shift.

But the value is that readers respond to writers that they can recognize. This is why so many readers will buy a book from an author they love without having read anything about that…



Holly Lyn Walrath
Write Weird

I'm a writer, editor, publisher, and poet. I write about writing. Find me online at www.hlwalrath.com or on Twitter @HollyLynWalrath!