Why Editors on This Site Deserve to Get Paid

Features That Would Change the Publication Game

Holly Lyn Walrath
Write Weird


It’s Not Just Hanging Out WIth Your Cat, Photo by João Jesus from Pexels

I recently went through my list of publications that I’m a writer for on this site and deleted all the defunct publications. There were probably 20 that hadn’t published any articles since 2020, or even as far back as 2018.

It got me thinking: Why do so many publications die?

The dedication that it takes to run a publication is vast. It’s not that complicated on the surface, but a lot of work goes into it that most writers who don’t have a publication of their own don’t understand.

Several publications recently closed due to the shuttering of funding. With the closure of publications like PSILY and Chalkboard, it has some editors blaming writers for the struggles editors face.

I don’t think that writers are to blame. In the end, writers are just trying to get ahead like the rest of us. Instead, I think the issue is the model for publications.

Publications on this site are broken because they’re forced to make readers pay or play. The tools to edit articles are clunky. There’s no way to communicate with writers on-site. And the biggest problem: Editor burnout is HIGH.

I run two successful publications on this site:



Holly Lyn Walrath
Write Weird

I'm a writer, editor, publisher, and poet. I write about writing. Find me online at www.hlwalrath.com or on Twitter @HollyLynWalrath!