End Police Brutality, people live better.

Alvin G
Write With Empathy
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2018

It is important that the police to not use brutality because people might be feel scared about what they seen about the police. When they arresting somebody on the street or in the car most of the people definitely the black people. When they get arrested most of the police not doing their jobs hurting them people who getting arrested. That’s why most of the people getting mad with the police because ain’t nobody wanna get discarded on the floor and get beat up when they got arrested. Definitely black people or somebody else even though you not doing nothing you just sitting down the car. They still going pull over and check you like you have drugs or you did something terrible. Actually people from the hood they be shooting the police when they went to their hood. Also they fighting them back because it’s weird how they come on you and start checking you tell you don’t move sit down on the ground even you didn’t do nothing. According to Richard Smith “I’ve been saddened at how many simply took it for granted that rogue officers could so brutally kill this young man without consequences. After two weeks of paid administrative leave went back to regular duties.”

It’s also important to not abusing young people which is they might get experience it. They might do something with the police if they get tired getting abuse by the police they might do suicide because of the abusing experience they do to them i’m saying young people who’s on the cage. They might become a bad habit person when they free do crime or violate. According to Richard Smith “ San Francisco trust telling might, involve our having the back of young people of color who bravely come forward with their stories of police abuse.”

Police civil — rights violations they don’t follow the civil right and they gotta do what they wanna do they not arresting people on the right way. Some of the police are punching them people who getting arrested and kicking them grabbing them super tight. According to KIA MAKARECHI “ Chicago police Department revealing long standing patterns and evidence of unwarranted killings that should shake the conscience of the people of chicago.” “We also saw a trend in dangerous and unnecessary shootings at vehicles and other unsafe tactics that place officers and others in danger of being shot.”

There’s some rogue officer that they going to play you what i mean is some of them be assuming people they think they doing drugs violations even though they not. They start arresting you and make you sit down the ground for too long. Going to check on you like you really have drugs or guns, knife on you make you take out your shoes start checking your socks. But most of them be lying on the system or court that they didn’t hurt somebody. Some of the police are had the same attitudes or habits definitely white skin police they be racism if they arrest somebody and this light skin police elbow or punch this suspect the other light skin police the same race with. they not going to say something about them to not do that they letting them to do what they wanted to do. According to KIA MAKARECHI “ The man run. Three officers gave chase and began shooting as they ran. In total the officers fire 45 rounds including 28 rifle rounds toward the man. Several rounds struck the man killing him. The officers claim the man fired at them during the pursuit.” Also “ That’s a description of officer chasing shooting, and killing an unarmed man. An investigation by chicago independent police review authority found the officers action were justified without addressing the efficacy of the pursuit or the number of shots fired.”

