Fast Food, Fat Food

Kaes I
Write With Empathy
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2018

How does fast food affect negatively on our bodies?

A number of studies have linked fast food to health problems, including an increased risk of obesity, poor nutrition, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Fast food is associated with higher body mass index, less successful weight-loss maintenance and weight gain. Fast foods reduce the quality of diet and provide unhealthy choices especially among children and adolescents raising their risk of obesity. On the other hand some people might disagree with this issue, such as the owners of fast food restaurants. Government should restrict the number of fast food restaurants in a specific area, and make strict laws about unhealthy food because eating too much fast food is not good for the human body.

Fast food is one of the reasons that causes obesity and health problems. Writer Jon Yaneff has become a certified nutritional practitioner. According to Jon Yaneff article he states, “ There is very little fiber, vitamins, or minerals in your fast food, which means your digestion is instantly compromised” ( This means that fast food contains a little amount of good nutrition and it doesn’t help our bodies to break down food which is not good for our bodies. Our bodies need good clean food that contains many good nutritions to grow our bodies on the right so we don’t suffer from health problems and obesity. That shows how fast food is not good for our bodies. Jon Yaneff asserts, “ A student grades are greatly affected by the foods they eat and they play a role in concentration misbehavior” That means when students eat good food that helps their health, they will perform good and focus on their work because their bodies help them to concentrate. So when students eat fast food, it will affect them to perform less efficiently than other students who eat healthy food. At the end Jon Yaneff claims, “ You could easily spend $15 — $20 making a homemade meal, instead of spending $40 — $50 on a family of four eating one fast food meal” This shows that eating at our houses is much cheaper than eating fast food in a restaurant. Also eating at our houses is healthier than eating food from restaurants. All of that proves how fast food is not good for our bodies which leads us to ask the government to reduce fast food restaurants.

Eating fast food will lead to obesity, obesity will cause many serious health problems. Ananya is a doctor by profession, lecturer by vocation and a medical writer by passion. Based on Dr. Ananya Mandal she states in her article, “ Obesity is linked to several long term health conditions, premature death and illness including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, fatty liver, arthritis and joint disorders and some cancer” ( Obesity affects on our bodies by causing serious health problems that leads to many diseases. Most of the times obesity comes from eating unhealthy food such as fast food. Reducing the fast food restaurants is necessary for people’s health. These evidence proves how fast food is unhealthy for the human’s body, and it leads to obesity which causes diseases for us.

I personally think one of the best solutions to solve this issue is, reduce fast food restaurants in the U.S or in the world in general. As a community we could ask the government to apply this policy in the society and explain the problem for them. This policy could work by making strict laws that limits the fast food companies in a city by telling them to open a certain number of fast food restaurants in the city, lower the percentage of sugar, fat, and carbs in their meals, and provide veggies in their meals. Also government could increase the taxes on sugar and other supplies that fast food contains so restaurants would decrease the amount.

On the other hand, people such as fast food restaurants would disagree by this policy. They might respond on this by saying that they don’t force people to buy fast food from them, the fast food companies might get broke, and people don’t have to eat fast food everyday.

Government or people who disagree with that could answer them by saying People get tempted by fast food because it’s cheap, tastes good, and companies are just going to reduce their restaurants not close them. Also people tend to buy fast food more because it’s something fast. Some people don’t cook at their houses because they get home late and they are tired. So this policy helps to reduce obesity, and helps people to be healthier.

If this policy works it will reduce obesity and health problems which will might lead to a longer life expectancy. I would suggest that the government research this issue and try this policy in a small area or a city. After that, they can study the results and make a final decision from there.

