The Rent in San Francisco

JiaLun C.
Write With Empathy
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

Do you know how much for people they pay for their rent per month? The rent in San Francisco is the highest prices in the United State.

As a new immigrants in San Francisco, I know that most new immigrants they have the same problem, the problem is the rent was too expensive. They have to change their money from their countries to Dollar, and than pay for the rent. People they have to spend most money to pay for it, they also have to spend the money to many ways. Some of the people have to work 40-hours per week, but spend the most money for the rent. We have more choices for live in this country, but we know that San Francisco is the best city to live for new immigrants, so we choose to living here. The prices for rent was the big problems in this city. If people they leave this city, they mean will decrease the worker to server in this city. For example, Store, restaurants will less than less, Because they have to spend the most money for the rent. The prices of the rent in San Francisco always increase every year. Because more immigrants think this city is the best place to live, that mean will more people come to this city. The house will not enough for people to live. The house owner will make the rent higher, because people they have to live, they have to pay for the rent, even though the rent is expensive. By the way, If some people they can’t afford for the rent, they will use the to live on the street, The best solution is government can help them to build more house for them to live. Because most of new immigrants came to this city, they will try to live in here, if not enough houses for them, they will be forced to leave of sleep on the street.

The rent in San Francisco for one bedroom apartment was $3500-$4500 per month. Most new immigrants came to this new place, they can just work for the minimum wage, as $14 per hours. For example a new immigrant work 8 hours a day, 30 days per month. That mean his wage is $3,360 per months, not include the taxes. This data can show if only him in this city, he can’t used his whole wage to pay for the rent, how about the other supports? They will be forced to leave or become homeless in San Francisco. Houses is the biggest problem for people who live in this city.

