EZIO Auditore da Firenze

Suryanarayanan R
3 min readJun 11, 2020


“My story is one of many thousands, and the world will not suffer if it ends too soon.”

We’re coming up on 13 years since Ubisoft first began unraveling what might be the most tangled yarn in gaming history with Assassin’s Creed — a stealth based period piece that felt subversive enough without its prescriptive armageddon subplot. Despite it, and a few missteps along the way, most would declare The Assassin’s Creed series to be a solid one.

From the first game where Desmond Miles is captured by Abstergo and forced to use a machine called the Animus to explore Altaïr ibn-La’Ahad memories during the time of the Third Crusade. Desmond begins to witness events after Altaïr breaks all three tenets of the Assassin Brotherhood while attempting to stop Robert de Sablé from taking a Piece of Eden. Al Mualim, the Brotherhood’s leader, demotes Altaïr to Novice and tasks him with assassinating the nine Knights Templars, including de Sablé, to regain his former status. Starting from Altaïr ibn-La’Ahad to Alexios in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey ,EZIO remains a favorite character for many gamers around the globe.

Well, for me the thing is very clear: his character is simply the best portrayed character of the whole series!

While other assassins were just about one game, especially in the later games, you could play EZIO for three games. You literally watched his birth, accompanied him through his teenage years, became a witness as he fought and defeated the Borgia and discovered his own past in Istanbul. Later, you met him again and also saw him die in a well-deserved peaceful moment.

Not only that EZIO became an Assassin from scratch where he went all the way from Uberto Alberti to the Library of Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad.

We see EZIO realize that simply killing someone to get revenge isn’t going to bring back those he lost .As we watch EZIO change and develop over time, it becomes clear he is far wiser than many of the other assassins from the series. A significant reason for his climbing of the ranks of the Order. Through showing restraint and only killing when necessary to eliminate a threat, EZIO shows a kind of composure that not all assassins hold. Having fought all that time for his family, EZIO is certainly a family man, but he knows ruthless actions won’t save anyone.

“Requiscat in Pace,” or Rest in Peace, is Ezio’s way of respecting the lives he is taking in his line of work, regardless of their deeds that led him to this point.

His role in securing and expanding the Order continued upon his arrival in Constantinople. Having learned that the Templars had taken over Byzantine remnants and overthrew the Ottomans, Ezio retook all of the Assassin Dens and trained seven recruits to the rank of Master Assassins to protect each den. From here, the assassins managed to spread their influence across other cities across Europe and the Middle East, reducing Templar control and rebuilding the cities.

Now if you’re gonna tell me that any of the other assassins is better than Ezio, they better have a pretty impressive resume.

