Speak the Language of Benefits or Lose Out

Sona Kerim


Most tech companies have a product or service they want to sell, but there is a tendency to want to focus on the technology itself. It’s not that you shouldn’t talk about your tech, but a good copywriter will make sure that you’re highlighting your Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) in a way that isn’t so “we-centric”.

Speaking the language of benefits is a game-changer for any company looking to market itself.

What is “we-centric”?

We-centric copy is when your company talks about all the things that you do.

So what’s wrong with being we-centric? Well, you aren’t highlighting the benefits, you’re just talking about all the things you do.

Language of Benefits

It’s been proven time and time again that you should use and choose your words carefully. How potential customers and clients will view what you can do for them will be based on what they read on your website or social media pages.

Instead of using “we”, emphasize what the customer will get out of it. Let’s take the examples above, and re-write them so that they’re using the language of benefits.

See what we did there?

Take my word for it

Using the language of benefits will transform the way your company talks about itself. It becomes less about all the things you do, and more about what you’re actually doing for your customers.

This makes your product or service far more attractive, and readers don’t have to guess or search for what they’ll gain. The perks are right there in front of their eyes.

I challenge you to go to your website and see if you are using the language of benefits. It’s no small feat, but the value of using the language of benefits is clear as crystal.

For consultations, or to re-vamp your website copy, just get in touch. We’ll make those words work!

Originally published at https://writelingo.com on June 27, 2022.



Sona Kerim

Writer and Educator. When it comes to knowledge, sharing is caring!