What makes a tech copywriter different from regular copywriters?

Sona Kerim


Finding a good copywriter can be difficult, but finding a good tech copywriter — well that’s a whole other world.

Most experienced copywriters will have experience in proofing and editing documents, coming up with catchy taglines and writing engaging, well-researched blog posts. A tech copywriter will have all that same experience, PLUS they will actually understand your technology.

Speaking from experience, writing about a drink or photography is a different kind of challenge — but most copywriters with any experience can easily pick up those topics and do something really special with them.

But will all experienced copywriters be able to easily explain the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Get someone who gets your business

The tech sector is growing, and it’s a broad spectrum of everything from the different types of technology being developed to the different industries in which these new technologies are emerging.

From HealthTech, FinTech and AgTech — These sectors are increasingly automating their processes through emerging technologies. Not to mention, HR solutions, online shopping and other areas of business that are looking to improve the way they function.

Technology isn’t just about finding the new big thing, it’s about making our workflows more efficient and making it easier for users to find whatever it is they’re looking for.

The tech world is a world of its own

Those of us who work in the tech world know that often when we’re talking to our less “techy” friends, we sound like aliens from another planet…Let alone trying to explain this amazing Whitelabel Saas solution or that really interesting open-source password manager to your mom and dad.

A lot of the time, our buyer personas are not us. Meaning that they aren’t always “techy” people. This means that we need to make sure that we’re able to take these complex details about our technology and clearly outline the benefits to our customers or users — while ensuring we don’t negate the important technical aspects.

What sets a tech copywriter apart from the rest

Tech copywriters will have experience working with solutions like yours, or solutions that have some overlapping themes or technology. There’s also a good chance that they will have experience working with “tech people”, like developers or data scientists.

This experience is something that you should be seeking out. It’s having these experiences that help tech copywriters to fit in with your team smoothly and will understand and know exactly how to work with the different roles within your organization.

It’s also important to point out that it isn’t always just about the technology, but most tech copywriters will also have experience in different sectors — whether it’s with healthcare technology or agricultural technology.

Benefits of an experienced tech copywriter

Tech copywriters are not as common as “regular” copywriters, but we do exist. There are a great many benefits that come from working with someone who has previous experience working with tech companies, rather than hiring a junior with no experience.

The main benefit is obviously efficiency. There is a lot less explaining and teaching about the technology. In our experience, we also find copywriters who have some experience with tech tend to grasp the more complex technology details much easier, as they already have some foundational knowledge from their previous experiences.

Another benefit: clear and concise copy. All copywriters must first understand what it is that you do, and then be able to relay that information to the target markets. Tech copywriters will already have experience with taking more complex topics and breaking them down, especially related to technology — which means your copy will be clear and accessible from the get-go, rather than various revisions.

Finding a tech copywriter

There are some effective ways of finding tech copywriters. You can search LinkedIn, go by referrals or use one of the many freelance platforms. Be sure that you take the time to request or view a portfolio or case studies prior to reaching out.

You want to make sure, not only that a tech copywriter is a good fit, but also that they have the type of experience you’re looking for.

Originally published at https://writelingo.com on June 1, 2022.



Sona Kerim

Writer and Educator. When it comes to knowledge, sharing is caring!