The Green Orb mystery

Writer Chick with a Ukulele
5 min readJan 27, 2021


I see trippy green orbs in my photos.

Note: All photos taken by me on my new iPhone 11.

For several days in a row, I saw green orbs in photos which I took while walking on the neighborhood trail. Every day, rain or shine, I walk the neighborhood trails into the woods. At first, I didn’t think much of the orbs, figuring it was just because of the way the sun shined down, however, upon closer examination of the photos on my iPhone, they just looked too weird for that. One picture depicts a rainbow shining down from the sun on to two green orbs, one which actually reflects against a tree trunk by Amazon Creek. I swear that green reflection looks like a woods animal of some kind, but I’m not sure. Some of the green orbs on another day look as if they have roots running through them. I have never seen anything like that in my photos or pretty much in anyone’s photos I’ve ever seen before. Yeah, I’ve seen those shiny tiny orbs which show up because of the sun (I think).

I have to admit I’m not an expert on orbs, but I do believe in spirits — mainly because I grew up hearing stories of ghosts and spirits from my mom. And every year around her birthday, weird stuff still happens, like a moved box, or a voice that comes through the computer. Call me weird, but it’s true. Also, my brother and sister and I all knew that the flat where we grew up at in San Francisco…



Writer Chick with a Ukulele

Writer of Creative Nonfiction and Fiction; Ukulele Player; Lover of the Beatles, rock n’ roll, and the 1960s. Mom & Grandma; lives in Eugene, OR with BF & cat.